/* ==================================================================== * The Tmax soft License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The Tmax software. * All rights reserved. * html code omitted for readability. /* ==================================================================== /* ## snoop.jsp */ <%@ include file="../upper.jsp" %>

Request Information

JSP Request Method: <%= request.getMethod() %>
Request URI: <%= request.getRequestURI() %>
Request Protocol: <%= request.getProtocol() %>
Servlet path: <%= request.getServletPath() %>
Path info: <%= request.getPathInfo() %>
Path translated: <%= request.getPathTranslated() %>
Query string: <%= request.getQueryString() %>
Content length: <%= request.getContentLength() %>
Content type: <%= request.getContentType() %>
Server name: <%= request.getServerName() %>
Server port: <%= request.getServerPort() %>
Remote user: <%= request.getRemoteUser() %>
Remote address: <%= request.getRemoteAddr() %>
Remote host: <%= request.getRemoteHost() %>
Authorization scheme: <%= request.getAuthType() %>
The browser you are using is <%= request.getHeader("User-Agent") %>
<%@ include file="../footer.html" %>